On Page SEO

  • Optimize Website Onpage

    £199.00 GBP One Time
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    • On Page SEO (Without Technical SEO)
      On Page SEO of 1 Page / Product Only
      1 Page Optimized
      Title Optimization
      Meta Description
      1 Keyword Researched
  • Optimize Website On Page & Technical SEO

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    • On Page SEO & Technical SEO For Ranking in Google Search Results
      Up to 5 Pages / Products
      5 pages optimized
      Title optimization
      H1, H2, H3 tags
      Meta description
      Image alt tags
      Schema markup
      8 Keywords researched
  • High Value On Page & Technical SEO

    £85.00 GBP One Time
    Order Now
    • Complete On Page & Technical SEO for TOP Ranking in Google Search Results
      Up to 12 Pages / Products
      12 pages optimized
      Title optimization
      H1, H2, H3 tags
      Meta description
      Image alt tags
      Schema markup
      16 keywords researched